Sunday 6 October 2013

The Aftermath

Well, it has been a full week since Be the Change Challenge has ended. I thought I'd give everyone an update on what happened and how things are going.

Journey of the Yogini collectively raised $5900 for the Women's Innovation Centre in Nepal!

Pretty amazing, right? Right!
On my first day of dietary freedom, my first indulgence was a little bit of coffee. It was amazing. And insanely, my first initial thoughts while the warm dark brew washed over my teeth was the Public Swimming Pool scene from the coming of age film, The Sandlot. You know, when the nerdy boy pretends to drown so the Barbiesque life guard, Wendy Peffercorn, would give him mouth to mouth resuscitation and he could make his bold move by French kissing her. "This Magic Moment" by the Drifters was the soundtrack song and it came into my mind as soon as the first splash hit my lips. I even told a few of my more fun-loving caffeine junkie customers who were awaiting my reaction to coffee after a whole month.
I've been into the cookies, yes, and I ate a bunch of cookies this weekend. I've been very relaxed about dairy, which I don't feel great about...It was a downhill spiral after eating an Alfredo pasta sauce and there were St. Albert cheese curds brought into the house. My stomach has been in knots. The only alcohol I have had, and it was a big deal, was red wine at a family dinner. I should not have had the second glass because I woke up at 2 AM with a racing heart and I couldn't sleep a wink after. I got up at 4 that morning and tried to play ball with Gus with zero light and went in to work a half hour early. No hangover, just feeling like a hummingbird was in my ribs. However, I have kept up with my daily oatmeal or a smoothie for breakfast and my lunches at work are still the usual vegan friendly sushi splurge. I'm still in doing my make up routine too.
How about my home practice? It's slid this week.
I'd like to keep blogging my personal practice in order to go deeper within. I had some truly amazing experiences this summer during my YTT with the evolution of my home practice.
I had a wonderful day with Susan and Lynn in the Byward Market, and later we were joined by Debbie at The Table restaurant. I want to thank these fantastic ladies for today. Susan taught her first Karma Class today, and did such a good job I thought she had been teaching already on the sly. I had not seen Debbie since Graduation and it was so much fun to reconnect over dinner. She has the ultimate wild child 1960s stories. They went off to Pure for Megan's 2 hour Agni Vinyasa, a Hot Fire Power style class, to be joined by Louise and Stefanie. From taking Megan's women's classes, I knew this class was not going to suit my body's needs at this time. Knowing to honour my body's cycles in my practice is the best gift I have received from my YTT and the Challenge.
Honouring and Nourishing the Self may be the focus of my next Blog...
It's 8:20 PM, so the Yoga Girls are probably just entering Savasana right now. It's time for some Couchasana and Bookasana right now. Until next time! Namaste.