Monday 30 September 2013


One hour to go until donations are closed and the 30 Day Challenge is over. I have personally received $250 in donations and collectively we are around $5000, last I heard. The land for the Women's Innovation Centre in Nepal was purchased several weeks ago. How truly amazing. I always wear my UNAKO scarf with pride.

Yoga Teacher Graduation Day, Pink Floral Scarf hand made in Nepal by Tharu women

I am so thankful that I won a free spot in Be The Change. I saw it advertised last year and might have let it pass me by again this year if I had not been given the incentive. If anybody would like to join in next year, I highly recommend doing it. I'm going to put away my $50 next summer to do it all over again. In the Facebook group for BTCC and the Yogini Dialogues group we have free access to great forums where we are bonding and sharing throughout the Challenge. I hope there will be one more final email sent out by the JOY team and the Karma Krew at 6:00 AM for me to read while I play fetch with Gus out in the field.

BTCC has given me a great opportunity to express myself through writing, something I have always enjoyed doing. I'm having a very Carrie Bradshaw evening. And it's a Monday! The Cosmos will come later and Yogini's are generally shoeless throughout the day. I've dedicated this night to being FABULOUS. I ate well, had some Sex in the City,  Ayurvedic massage (I'm still working on that jar of delicious oil I was given) and my ritual bath with a book.

I hope this Blog has entertained you and I hope to continue writing for an audience in the near future. Thank you to everyone who has supported me in raising funds, and supported me in my personal transformation over the past month and this summer with my Yoga Teacher Training. I pledge to actively pursue my own happiness and wellbeing throughout my life in order to be there for others. This is the greatest lesson I have learned thus far.


Sunday 29 September 2013

Power of the Domestic Kitchen Goddess

Sunday night's finally here. It's time to unwind. I've got a tired, panting, drool-dripping dog under my feet.

I had good intentions to go to Pure today for one of Tiffani's classes, but had a complete Domestic Kitchen Goddess day instead. Chris and I did our groceries early this morning, but when I looked in the cupboard for my PieBird Vegan Pie Crust ingredients, I was short on coconut oil. I have been using a ton of it lately. Its even good instead of butter on bread. So he kindly dropped me off at Bulk Barn on his way to another softball tournament. Lo and behold! Coconut oil was $13.00 instead of $16.00!!!

What is PieBird you ask? I believe it would be likened to my version of Mecca. It's a B&B Vegan Farm out near my Brother and Mother's little houses on the prairie. I have yet to go. I've been experimenting with this pie crust recipe every time a holiday is close by.  Enjoy this baking with goats video:

I don't know what I am doing wrong, but my pie crust is always too crumbly and I leave out the extra half cup of flour and use extra ice water. It tastes amazing, but does not have the same easy quality of using Tenderflake (Pork Fat) and eggs. The goat tongues slurping the flour might be what's missing. This vegan crust is rustic, and my vegan crust at home is the Art Brut version. (If you are avoiding anything, like dishes, packing your lunch or ironing, and choose to Google Art Brut, it's not a rock band).
Two pies came out of my productivity. One to sample, and one to freeze for Thanksgiving weekend. The 10 lbs. of McIntosh apples Josie and Adrian gave us last Sunday are half gone. And one quarter was eaten solely by myself over the course of the week. 
But before the pies, I started with a soup I've been putting off making for sometime. That's where all the No-Yoga-Class-Today thing started. I've literally been chopping, peeling, boiling, baking and freezer-bagging my way through the day. Leek and Asparagus Soup from Metro's daily recipe. I just polished off a bowl while typing.


Super easy, and quick!

My next project was to peel, de-seed and cube the three Butternut Squash that have been standing guard over my kitchen for at least two weeks. Chris likes squash, so its exciting when he likes a "gross vegetable", but only if it's in a pureed soup...There's four bags in the freezer now for the Apocalypse.

I tidied up for my Instagram food-porn photoshoot, but this was a huge mess and the biggest job of the whole day. Gus was eating squash peelings as I hacked away with both peeler and giant knife. I took a break before cubing the squash to call my Grandma and eat a slice of pie.
There is a very happy fellow eating his dinner over a hockey pool draft right now. When I told him there was a slice of pie waiting for him on the stove top, to quote him: "That's the nicest thing anybody has ever done for me!" I am a modern woman, and a Scorpio, but I know spoiling a man from time to time is the way to a happy home. He's acting like he's never been fed in his entire life, even though I do it almost every day. That's the power of the Domestic Kitchen Goddess.

Saturday 28 September 2013

Erich Schiffmann, Essential Oils and the Prancercise Lady on a Saturday

It's Saturday afternoon and I am just lazing about, taking some much needed "me time". I've been sitting on the couch with the footrest up, talking to my mum on the phone and reading Yoga Journal and Yoga International that I picked up on the way home from my morning adventures.

Cozy wooly sweater, guacamole recipe, articles on Erich Schiffmann, Happiness and Art :)

I adore Erich Schiffmann. Great article on his thoughts on personal practice.

I slept past 7, which I aimed to do. I had a great bowl of oatmeal with apple slices, cocoa powder, cinnamon and honey, then took Gus out to the field. The usual.

The Challenge has been doing fabulous things for me. For starters, the salt and vinegar chips I was snacking on last night, tasted only of oil. I woke up this morning feeling icky from them. There definitely is milk in them because I was feeling congested. So long Miss Vicky's! Even though I was feeling gross, today I put on that black pencil skirt with a slit up the thigh that I have never worn and kept at the back of the closet for 3 years -- and it FIT and I looked HOT! I wore it with my little ankle boots to take on the world between Bells Corners and Barrhaven. So now I am officially into my skinny jeans and the skirt. I spend all day eating and snacking and taking care of me at my own pace, not doing any kind of radical thing other than caring about what I eat and what I do.

One of my favourite things I've been doing is my aromatherapy baths at the end of each week (or a few times a week). My preferred scent is  3 drops of ylang ylang and 2 drops of sandalwood essential oil.  I just read about a coconut oil hair mask infused with 2 drops of sandalwood to prevent split ends. I even find myself doing asana in the bath or even the shower mid hair rinse. I just can't get enough. I loved this quote about practicing your own way in the Schiffmann article:
Bubble Bath Yoga can totally be a thing. It's definitely sexier than Prancercising!
Yeah, yeah, this is old and we're over it. I still think this lady is adorable.
Well, I bid you all adieu for the last Saturday posting. I'm off to fold 3 big baskets of laundry and maybe make enough soup for the coming winter out of all the squash I still have.
And once the Challenge is over, I have a coupon for a $2.00 Pumpkin Spice Latte (WITH SOY!)

Friday 27 September 2013

Chocolate to the Rescue!

There are only 3 days left of the Challenge. What's playing on Songza tonight? "Your Own '80s Training Montage" Playlist.

Last time I touched base was Monday night. It's been a hectic work week and I was incredibly grateful to Yogini extraordinaire, Bodine Waterfire , of Sweet Guru, for hand delivering some of the most amazing organic, raw, chocolate coconut truffles to me at work this Thursday. Check out this budding new raw dessert business on Facebook. I've been sharing her page on my own Wall. And Tina Turner just started playing "The Best", so I dedicate this song to you, Bodine. It's Friday. Do people still call radio stations and send out dedications any more?

Thursday was one of the days were the proverbial shit hit the fan at work. On total shit days, am I ever glad for having done my practice in the morning to keep me in check. Normally I would have spent the afternoon dunking about 5 cookies into a really big cup of black coffee. I shared the chocolates after lunch with all of my co-workers once things were under control and nobody was in line. My gluten/lactose free girl, and my vegan boy were ultra happy to share the treats that were lovingly created to please all. The rest of the chocolates went to the yoga girls in Yogini Yoga with Megan.

Our Thursday evening Yogini class at Upward Dog was just what I needed to unwind. Especially since I missed out last week.  My new routine is to getting two giant veggie samosas for five bucks in the ByWard Market to eat on the bus ride home. Somehow they stay warm through the class and I have the best dinner.

Before class started, Chelsey gave me a little gift bag with Raspberry Tea (for PMS, 'cause it's a women's class), a sea shell and a Goddess Card of Queen Maeve. She had one for everybody.

Today I got up, took the dog out, ate an apple and read a book on the bus. Work was busy but lunch proved to be slow. By 1 PM I was ordering my vegan friendly sushi next to the restaurant I work in.
Eating Sushi, Like a Bossss!

Avocado, Cucumber, Inari Roll
Oh! And before I go, I broke a nail last night, and never thought I would get so mad at something so stupid. With 3 days to go, I had to cut my elegant lady nails. Oh well. They looked great, but are not very practical with all the avocado I prepare and eat. They may or may not be something I continue to strive for after the challenge.

Monday 23 September 2013

"It's All in The Hips"

Back to work today and one week left of Be the Change 30 Day Challenge.

Looking back, the time has flown. And I can honestly say that I have a home practice now. I think I have practiced more than I did in my teacher training. I'm even still journaling and checking in with my body, mind, and emotions before practicing.

I just came downstairs after finishing a half hour of freestyle hip-opening asana, hoping to plan a new class sequence. In Yoga classes you will probably hear your teacher talking about how our hips store a lot of our emotions, and in Yin style, or restorative classes, be prepared to release those emotions and have a box of Kleenex handy. Think about it: grudge holders sit and stew on their issues rather than talk them out and resolve their hurt feelings and old people have a life time of memories stored inside their bodies and they get tight and end up with injuries. We need to let things go and move and shake around in order to be our best selves.

Go Granny!

And as Chubbs, from Happy Gilmour would say, "It's all in the hips!"
"I'm just easing the tension, baby"
And pardon me, but holy shit is there ever a lot of tension in my hips. I honestly spend most of my practices making faces and screeching. As a new teacher I am constantly practicing talking my imaginary class through the burn to find their edge, while smiling and joking about it. Its not surprising I have these goof-ball YouTube clips on this post. "I'm just easing the tension, baby!"

Right now I am enjoying some much needed alone time to decompress from the weekend and the first day of the week. The man's out at his softball game and Gus is sleeping by the door. I've been indulging in some self-care, asana, and possibly my fourth cup of herbal tea. Personal time and space is sacred. Revel in it when you have it.
Tomorrow is a busy day catering to a bunch of men in a board room. I'll be serving them coffee first thing in the morning and checking on the poor dears again before someone else brings their lunch. I need to recharge my energy to keep up with the Mandlebaum's.

Sunday 22 September 2013

Thrown Off Balance

Today is the Autumnal Equinox. The Seasons are coming into balance, preparing the Earth for Winter. As we come to an end of the 30 Day Challenge, I am feeling the shift towards balance.

However, I was thrown off balance yesterday. I thought that I had checked in with everyone, and found out who was safe from Wednesday's tragic bus accident. Knowing who was alive took a huge weight off of everyone once the press released the identities of the victims. I did not expect to find out on Saturday as I was leaving home, that somebody I know from my community is in intensive care and will be needing so much aid in the coming months. And as for the Barrhaven people that I have not yet seen come in to the restaurant, you are in my prayers that everything is all right.

Immediately after learning this sad news, I spent the next 75 minutes in the comfort of my Yoga community for Justine's Dharma Yoga class at Mountain Goat, Nepean. In Dharma Yoga we practice for a "higher purpose". Our group dedicated the practice to the victims and those experiencing loss or grief. I was absolutely shaken. I was thankful for sharing the group's energy to ground me. For the rest of the day I was out on errands and could not stabilize myself. All I wanted to do was go home and process and grieve. It's been years since I have dealt with depression, but when that heavy chest pain, and drowning anxiety that I used to have daily, starts to pull me down, I get really scared of it. The only way I can explain it is drowning. It finally subsided when the victims were named, and then all came crashing down again. I don't want to see any of the debris at the train tracks tomorrow morning. Hopefully it's gone.

I had all kinds of cute Instagram pictures of my healthy foods, but I don't really care about posting them. I've kept on track and my kitchen is full of butternut squash and a giant bag of apples a friend brought.

This Challenge is raising money to help ex-bonded slaves in Nepal. Our world has become a global village through communicative technology. It's absolutely amazing what we are doing through Journey of the Yogini. But don't forget about your community and your neighbours. A stranger is a friend you have not met yet. Say "hi" and lend a hand where you can. Experience human connection and touch people's lives. That's why we are here.

Friday 20 September 2013

Day 20: Confessions and Decisions

Today is Day 20. Day 20 of no booze, no coffee, no dairy and no fish or eggs. In the past 20 days I have ingested milk unintentionally, but I have eaten 3 mini kit kat bars that Chris gave to me, fully intentionally. I know they are not dairy free.  A sip of coffee did pass my lips for the sole reason of killing a bad taste. I alerted everybody at work and did it ever taste sooooo goooooood. I am really pleased that I have not caved in to drinking alcohol. At Day 20, I do feel that I can incorporate these dietary changes into my lifestyle. Except for drinking. I am looking forward to savouring a delicious glass of red wine at Thanksgiving.

Having made these healthy changes, I can feel the effects of "junk" type foods in my body quicker. I would have liked to have tried to go gluten free for the 30 days, as I am noticing even a tortilla wrap sandwich at lunch today caused my skinny jeans to nearly kill me by the time I got home. However, one more thing to not eat would have made this month at home too difficult. On a side note, has anybody ever wondered how people get out of their skinny jeans fast enough to get it on? Like in the movies when people can't wait another second to strip each other down and they never trip on their jeans stuck around their ankles? Just a thought I have when I'm changing into my sweat pants.

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Root Yourself into Your Existence

I had a really beautiful morning at home before leaving for work at 9 AM. Usual routine with Gus. I had a big bowl of oatmeal with cinnamon, cocoa powder, raspberries, almonds and almond milk. My lunch was already packed and all I needed was to take some time to practice in my Sacred Space. My mat was already rolled out, ready and waiting for me.

I put on a CD, Deva Premal and Miten's "Moola Mantra", given to me by my Mum for graduation. I set my intention to stay present and not to allow my mind to wander as it tends to do. Whenever I strayed, I just focused on the mantra.
My practice was grounding and centering. I stayed seated or lay down to keep myself close to the earth. Moola, in Sanskrit means root, or source.
Thank goodness I had this connection to my root today. After leaving home, waiting for the 95 up at Barrhaven Marketplace to take me to work, at 9:25 AM, I got a call from Chris asking if I was alright...a train collided with a bus at Fallowfield Station, which I pass every single day. 
I'm not going to go into any more details about the crash because we've all seen it on the news and I feel that I've gone into over drive thinking about it. Even now I'm holding my breath tightly in my chest, twelve hours later.
At work, I thought a lot about having things that would break my diet, in order to numb the feelings. I'm a total user. I abuse certain foods in order to feel comforted rather than dealing with my feelings. "I'm sad, give me treats." I chose to feel it out rather than snack through it. I'm glad for this Challenge, especially during really trying times, because I now recognize what a user I am.
I wish everyone a good night's rest and I hope you feel connected to your loved ones and your self. 
Root yourself into your existence.


Monday 16 September 2013

Moving Like I Was Happy

It's Monday night and I'm settling in for some more restful activity finally.

My day was pretty full and busy during the early part of the morning, with catering orders and regular customers. By 2 PM I was ready to start licking all the baked goods just for a taste. At the end of the day I wrapped up the uneaten (and unlicked) ones and did not even put the broken bits or crumbs in my mouth. I have to say, today, the 16th day in, I am wearing my skinny jeans that I wore for a week  after coming back from South East Asia this March. Blinking your eyelids in Thailand's 40+ degree weather burns up to 1000 calories. On holiday I drank beer several times a day, every day and still managed to come home looking like She-Ra. That didn't last considering I went on a cheese bender upon arrival in Canada and my Ankor-Watt muscles turned into cellulite. But today is the day! I didn't even have to cut them off when I got home. They stayed on until 7 PM.

I got a Booster Juice for brekky, and the poor girl had to remake it when she poured in yogurt in it after I asked her not to. At lunch I had some lovely stuffed peppers Chris's mother made special for me with wild rice and quinoa. Before walking Gus, I ate a big Kale Salad for dinner. Yum, yum, yummy day!
kale, kidney beans, avocado, teacher apple slices (still eating them apples!), sunflower seeds, red onions, dressed with olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
Normally I do some journaling to check in with myself before starting up my personal Yoga practice, but I had a lot of energy to burn, so I just cranked the dance music channel, whipped off the jeans, changed into leggings and started to Sun Sal like it was nobody's business. I threw down Bakasana, vasisthasana, flipped over into "Wild Thing" and had a lot of fun with inversions.
Bakasana June 2013, Thai poofy pants

"Wild Thing"
I feel like this beach babe today! Pretty good state of mind on a Monday. Thanks Challenge!
Out In the park I had been listening to an old Yoga Peeps Podcast, interviewing Jaimal Yogis, a Surfer/Yogi/Journalist who wrote Saltwater Buddha. Earlier this morning I listened to an interview with Eoin Finn and his Blissology Movement. Both of these interviews were so joyful, and about embracing the beauty in life and really reveling in nature. I felt really inspired to practice today, even if it was a mini-session between chores. I think the Blissology talk really gave me the boost I needed this morning. A long time ago, waaaay back when I worked in door to door sales, a co-worker told me that I looked so "light" in the way that I walk and carry myself. I have a skippy step to my walk. Recently that lightness has returned to my step. I noticed it went away due to extreme fatigue, stress and recovery from foot surgery two years ago. Midway through Sacred Movement I paused and recognized the way I was moving. I was moving like I was happy again.

Sunday 15 September 2013

Dharma, Drinking, and Divine Intervention

I intended to post on Saturday, but being Chris's birthday, I had a very late night. If you can consider 12 AM a very late night. Remember, I am an early riser. Here is a glimpse into my Saturday before I go off about my Sunday:

"Today is Saturday. A little bit of a sleep in, a nice sunny walk with a Mr. Gus and a green smoothie for breakfast before Justine's Dharma Yoga class at 11 AM."

1/2 avocado, a bunch of kale, chia seeds, honey, oatmeal, a splash of orange mango juice and an almond milk base.

"Today's practice was great. Justine switched up her sequence a little and kept me on my toes. Today was the first time I had difficulty getting up into headstand in a long time. Perhaps I am nervous about tomorrow, or just have not been hanging out upside down in a while. It could also be the chips and pop this week."

Ok, so having read my draft like a journal entry in a novel, we can move on to the rest of Saturday and then Sunday.

For dinner we went out with friends to The Foolish Chicken off Wellington in Westboro Village. There was indeed food on the menu for little old me, and I ate well. Pico De Gallo with Avocado on Crostini, with a balsamic reduction. Yummers! I gave Chris two and he really enjoyed them. The place was packed and the staff were trying to keep it together, giving us plenty of warning that things were crazy and a troop of 28 arrived before us. Our order would have to go in after theirs, but a platter of free nachos would keep our hunger at bay. I of course had salad, which was good, spinach, candied walnuts, red cabbage and carrot, but the poor frantic kitchen dumped a truck-load of dressing, enough for 3 salads, onto my plate, and I was really missing the taste of beer to wash it down. The candied walnuts were my favourite part. There is a dairy free coconut rice pudding on the menu I'd like to go back and try another time. My water was refilled about 5 times, so ten points for attentive service, and another 10 points for making me healthy by consuming more water. Everybody enjoyed their meals and I was happy to treat Chris to a hearty meal.

Did I ever miss having a drink afterwards at Absolute Comedy. Gingerale just doesn't cut it when everyone around you is ordering cocktail's, wine, beer and the MC is razzing a 19 year old about taking a shot of tequila with him because he looks like a minor. I can say that I have been very strong not giving in to alcohol, unlike dairy products along the Challenge. I am not pressured to drink within my circle, but milk is so infused in our Western diets, that I feel pressured to have it even though it is right up there with meat in my books. When it comes to drinking, I'd normally pop into the LCBO after work to justify having a tough day. I am proud of myself for not breaking my promise to give up on guilty pleasures. We're 15 days in and I gave up alcohol a week prior, so I'm feeling good about my accomplishments.

I taught my first Yoga class today. I am just beaming and feeling so beyond blessed with the people who came to practice. Christina and Aaron, my staff members came, my Sacred Sister, Lynn was there, my dear childhood friend, Natalie J, and five others. And through Divine Intervention, I ran into Reza, my meditation teacher from at least 5 years ago on my way to teach. He and his friend were crossing the street just ahead of me, and we chatted all the way to Upward Dog about how wonderful and perfect it was to meet on such an important day. Especially since my class was based on heart-opening meditation. I came to Reza's first class offered at the Main Street Community Centre while trying to climb my way out of depression in my 4th year of university. We said goodbye at the door, and I went in to set up in the big room. As soon as I'd rolled out my mat, Reza was in the doorway joining my class. It was something that could not be missed. Spiritual Debbie, said she was sending me prayers, and Lynn gave me a beautiful Angel card and a rose quartz carved into the shape of a heart. So many good thoughts made their way to me and the Universe sent me everything I wanted and needed.

 I truly was surrounded by Angels and LOVE today. Thank you to everyone who made this day special. Now I'm at Home Sweet Home, drinking green shakes and sipping Buddha's Blend White Hibiscus tea to my heart's content.

1/4 Avocado, 1/2 Banana, Big Grab of Kale, Chia Seeds, Almond Milk. Chewy goodness.
Not a weird duck-face selfie, its a slurp/chew face selfie.
I wish you all a pleasant evening and hope that you take your blessings into your week ahead. Namaste.

Friday 13 September 2013

It's Called a Challenge Because it's CHALLENGING!

It's been a little while since I last checked in with Blog The Change...We all go through our high highs and our low lows...Its been a week with some lows. I had a can of Coke yesterday, and right now I'm munching on a big bag of Miss Vicky's Salt and Vinegar chips. These are loopholes I have found. I didn't say anything about no pop and no chips. I don't drink pop. It's like smoking. I know better. There's no value in it. And chips, well, I do eat chips and love them. So there!

I've been upset and tense due to being CHALLENGED on my Challenge. Ooooh! I'm a little mood-swingy, too. I'm back to Thursday routine with Megan in a Women's Yoga class for the next 6 weeks. We're all synced up and our focus is PMS relief and what to snack on. The consensus is dark chocolate, and Megan got me jonesing for Salt and Vinegar. This class is wonderful and its going to be the thing that keeps me sane and outside of the house as we transition into fall and this new phase of my life.

 My dear Miss Stefanie shared this hilarious photo with Sacred Movement.
Things have been CHALLENGING at home when it comes to cooking and eating together. I have been firm and stuck to my diet except I did eat cheddar perogies once and hated myself for giving up. I ate a granola bar and the fine print said MILK after it was gone. My sinuses are unhappy about being full of dairy. I spent my whole day at work looking at the freshly made baked goods. Every time I brewed coffee I stuck my head inside the giant Equator bags to smell the coffee. Smelling isn't cheating.

My daily practice is not what I had hoped it would be, but I have been on my mat at least 4 out of 7 days. Even if it is just rolling around. Sometimes its spontaneous, other times its a video. I read my daily newsletter from Be the Change's Karma Krew every day at 6 AM in the schoolyard with Gus. Where I am seeing the most diligence is in my beauty routine. I only went without make-up once, after the perogie night. Beauty is not a challenge. It used to be something I would skip in order to do something more important. Yes, the dishwasher and the recycling are important, but looking great, instead of good, has made me feel so much more ready for the day. My nails are looking lady-like and will be painted pink for my first official teaching gig this Sunday afternoon.

Upward Dog Yoga on Dalhousie
1-2 PM
Karma Class
Focus: Back Bends, Heart Opening. Self-Compassion

If any of my readers attend on Sunday, I would love to hear some feedback and gather testimonials for my Yoga Resume. I hope to see you there :)

Sunday 8 September 2013

Neti Pots, Tea Pots, and Sexy Skin

What a glorious, beautiful day. The sun's out, it's not too cold, and I'm just enjoying everything before getting back into the workweek.

Last night's sushi ended up being the best and biggest meal I've had in ages. A mountain of edamame, four avocado hand rolls, and some veggie spring rolls just for little old me. The boy did good :)

This morning, I got up, had my fibre: oatmeal with cinnamon, a (heaping) dash of cocoa powder, teacher apple slices, honey, drowned in almond milk. I have noticed within one week of conscious healthy eating my tummy is less puffy. After taking Gus to the park, I used my neti pot before packing my bag to go out. I have used the neti pot several times, but would like to incorporate it into my routine at least once a week because I have seen benefits.
as seen on TV: Oprah
Dr. Oz Approved

as seen on TV: The Office
Do Not Attempt at Home
I find that I can take much deeper, longer in-breaths immediately afterwards.The two most important things I took from Ana Forrest, in her Masterclass I attended last year, was first, her comment to me that I was depriving myself of so much nourishment by not inhaling correctly. Second, Ana Forrest gave me shit for not wanting to expose my stomach for kapalabati pranayama. As a recovered Anorexic/Bulimic she had every right to give me shit. Our bodies are our bodies. We have to own them, love them and respect them. She's tough, but an amazingly gifted teacher. I do not inhale properly because I am afraid of making my stomach look big. How absurd!

I had a couple of big mugs of hot water before leaving to take the bus to Pure. I was plenty early so I did not have to run barefoot this time. I also took a huge mason jar filled with water so I could keep hydrated in the 75 minute Detox Flow class. Having a good half hour before class I went in to David's Tea to restock my tea supplies. Ooooh was it ever exciting. For all the Tea Grannies and Tea Steeped Hipsters out there, Pumpkin Chai is a limited edition blend. Run to your nearest David's Tea and put the kettle on. And then put on a chunky cable knit sweater and read a trashy book.

The only downside to this tea that I didn't know until I got home is that it is not Vegan Friendly. Who knew that tea could have milk pre-mixed into the blend? I will be sharing most of this tea despite the fact that I love it.

Tiffani's class was a twist-tastic detox. She taught Sacred Movement's Anatomy Workshop so I have been looking forward to taking one of her classes for a long, loooong time. It felt really good to go to her class and she her after at least two months. If you have not taken her class, you need to. Great instructions and excellent anatomical cues. Get some Yoga Tune-Up Balls from her for massaging your feet.

I had another teacher apple and some almonds for my bus ride snack, made myself a grilled veggie wrap full of hummus and avocado. Avocado is my favourite beauty snack. I read that one avocado has more usable protein than an 8 oz steak. Usable is the keyword! It gives you vitamin E and natural fats for shiny hair and sexy skin. Don't be afraid of natural fats. What else is sexier than skin?

Saturday 7 September 2013

A Full Week In

Day 7. A full week in.

By now, I am really feeling my goals in a moral sense, not just a challenge sense. Having watched "Vegucated" last weekend, I am viewing Veganism as much easier. I have gone with a Vegan diet in the past for a month long cleanse, but did not think much further than dairy's effects on my body. Today I went to Walmart to pick up a pack of light bulbs and a new pair of rubber boots for my morning walks with Gus, and naturally got caught up looking at other shoes. I'm a girl. I can't help it. Checking out some fringed suede boots, I thought, "well, those are cute moccasin boots...$29.00...Genuine Leather...That's a cow's skin...Mass produced all across every Walmart in North America...I'll pass..."

Looking to the Yama's I am seeing the issue past Ahimsa, non-violence, into Asteya, non-stealing. I can't steal milk from nursing calves and I can't steal eggs from hens (yes, I know they are natural layers, but I don't want to take what is forced in confinement). Sushi is coming home with Chris again tonight, but with the understanding that I will not be eating any fish. I am in no means being preachy, this is just how I am feeling.

Last night I did one of Megan's videos for "Full Moon Cycle", followed by japa mala mantra, "Ahum Prema, Aham Shanti" (I am love, I am peace). I was feeling very sad and alone, missing Sacred Movement already, and wanted to remind myself everything I need is within.
Megan presented this mala to me, and to each of the other women in Sacred Movement. Each one of us was given a personal charm and gem to personalize the mala.

This afternoon I practiced at Mountain Goat Yoga with my favourite teacher, Justine, in her Dharma Yoga class. I have not attended my local studio since I began Sacred Movement. It was lovely to return and see familiar faces. Our practice was a moving meditation and an offering of energy. I always leave feeling so inspired, and much lighter. My mood has lifted and I no longer feel so sad about the ending of Sacred Movement. I am however, very, very tired. I do not feel like cleaning the house and have spent a good deal of my day on the couch with my good dog, Gus, lying under the coffee table while I write.

Graduating Yoga School

It is Day 6 (although my post was not ready to publish until the 7th!) of the Challenge. I'm still on track, I've just been preoccupied with family and my Sacred Movement 200 hour Hatha Yoga RYT Graduation. I did not imbibe in the red wine with Grandma, as is tradition when we get together. I asked for no cheese and no tzaziki on my vegetarian wrap at the Greek restaurant for our family meal. My gluten free mother broke the ice and ordered her wrap with no wrap before me, so I didn't get funny looks. Afterwards, my mum and I enjoyed her home-baked zucchini brownies. We had tea and talked about the graduation day ahead tomorrow. My mum is also a Yoga Teacher and a graduate of Upward Dog Yoga Centre's teacher training with Yogi Vishvketu. Coincidentally, I took my training there from a graduate of Yogi Vishvketu.

An email came in Wednesday evening, from Lynda at Upward Dog, asking for volunteers for this Sunday afternoon's Karma Class. I was shaking like a leaf, but jumped on the opportunity, the way I jumped on the opportunity to take this YTT. I did not hear back from Lynda until Thursday morning.

This Sunday was booked...

BUT, NEXT SUNDAY is mine! I am officially TEACHING YOGA TO REAL PEOPLE, STRANGERS, SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 15th 1-2 PM! I am still buzzing.

All of Thursday I was hyper at work. I even wrecked a couple of salads while I talked far to much to my customers in line. My co-workers were really excited for me and I got a lovely email from dear Kara, a former co-worker, who told me that she was enjoying this blog. A big shout out to Kara! I would not have been so determined to graduate if it wasn't for my cheerleaders. You all helped to bring me here today.

On my way to Upward Dog I bought apples in the market to share, because we are all teachers now. Our closing ceremony was beautiful. The most interesting part was that Megan had assigned us homework asking  us to write a letter to another woman we admire, but she told us that night that the letter was really intended for deepest self. I wrote: "...from Day One I knew you would be a teacher...." and ended the letter: "I believe in you, _____, and have since Day One".

Although I am feeling a deep sense of loneliness, not having scheduled training time with my Sacred Sister twice a week,  something new is beginning.

So, its official.

Tuesday 3 September 2013

Back to Reality

Today was my last morning alone. Wanting to take advantage of the intro price at Pure Yoga, and also wanting to take advantage of having my own independent schedule before work at 8 AM, I got up at quarter to five (crazy, no?) to catch the bus out of Barrhaven and take a 6:30 AM scheduled class.

 I almost didn't make it!

I got off the bus at Westboro station at 6:25 and tried to run, comically, in Birkenstocks, bouncing back pack and flapping Yoga mat slung over my shoulder, while scrambling for my Pure Pass on my key chain. Last Wednesday I gave up the pair of kitten heels that I wore to a meeting, and dashed bare foot to the bus stop. So I did it again! Thank goodness Westboro is clean and friendly.

I arrived right on time, and luckily, several other stragglers came in after me. Of course, I spent half the class wheezing and coughing from my "marathon" run. Settling in and catching my breath was my set intention for the class. Just when I thought my heavy breathing was going to be disruptive, somebody turned on their Ujjayi breathing to level 10 for the entire class, including Savasana. "Luke, I OM your Father".
I have noticed that dehydration, which is super common in Hot Yoga, feels almost like being hung over. I wondered what on earth was going on during my shift at work and realized that I had neglected to drink enough water once I got there. I sure missed my relaxing lemon water lounge time I had gotten used to this weekend. Rush, rush, rush today!
Around my lunch break I started getting all twitchy around the desserts because my homemade vegan cauliflower soup was "too healthy, not to mention cold and boring since we have no microwave. Putting this entry together I have realized what a grump I am starting to be without my indulgences. First its denial, then anger?
And now I need to confess: I ate salmon sushi tonight.
Chris picked me up some dinner on his way home, and he knew I wasn't eating fish, so I suspect he did it on purpose. I couldn't let it go to waste, but reminded him what I was doing and why. "Where are you getting your protein, your calcium, etc..?" all those questions people have for Vegetarians and Vegans. I never had any remorse for eating fish and seafood until we went to an elephant rescue nature sanctuary in Thailand this winter. The sanctuary was dedicated to all living things and there was such compassion and reverence for life there. I feel this Challenge may be my goodbye to fish as a Vegetarian, so I feel guilty about having broken my pact with myself, but it was different than refusing to eat cheese or a cup of coffee. Those are straight up "No's" where my meal was prepared and bought for me with love and concern. I do not feel angry about this, but I do feel that it has tested me and made me want to stick to my goal.

Monday 2 September 2013

Take Time

Today's intention is to "Take Time".

Before I did anything, I drank my hot water and lemon (which aids in digestion and preps the stomach for all the things to go inside of it later) and checked in with my daily Be the Change email. The On the Go Girl in me was nagging: "get dressed, make breakfast, brush, hair, brush teeth, do personal Sadhana, clean everything you didn't clean yesterday, plan a route to Pure Yoga for Megan's class at 4:30, call Grandma between 11-12!" Deep breath in...drink that giant mug of lemon water....

Having a good sense of responsibility and willingness to get up at dawn every day is a great way to live, but if I find myself feeling guilty for "wasting time" on a long weekend holiday Monday...well then I have a problem. I have total freedom today, and have the luxury of my own personal independence for the time being. It's okay that I finished drinking my mug at 10 AM. It's a really big mug!

I made myself a big breakfast, because I was too snacky yesterday. I made a "kitchen sink" style smoothie, where I just load up the mini blender with whatever's around. I threw in a banana, the rest of the blueberries, 1/2 avocado, chia seeds and an almond milk base. I also made myself some oatmeal with almonds and a 1/2 banana. Just wrap up the other half and save it for tomorrow.

In honour of taking my time, I took my breakfast outside to eat on the front step beside my flower garden. I had a nice phone call with my brother and his wife, who were playing Super Mario on our old 1990's SUPER NINTENDO, drinking coffee and coaxing their baby boy to talk on the phone with me.

Just as I was getting ready to go up to my sacred space to try one of Megan's mini videos, I got a text from my Mum. I called her from my mat to talk about life. She will be in town the day before my graduation.

Since it is my last day alone, I decided to escape Barrhaven and head to Westboro's Pure Yoga studio to take the 4:30 Pure Flow with Megan. And what do you know, Megan's theme was about taking time and settling into the change of season. I arrived far too early, so I took myself on a stroll about Richmond road. Almost all the stores were closed, so I have an extensive list of places to check out. The World of Tea is across the road from Pure. The WORLD of TEA! And Cupcake Lounge. Lounging with cupcakes? Need I say more? Of course, I will not be eating their buttery eggieness any time soon.

Just as I was coming back to Pure to register, thunder started rolling and lightning was flashing in the distance. I settled into my chosen spot and the rain started to pour hard. The power went out and Megan had to get candles to light the hot room. The lights came back on just in time for the class to begin. It couldn't have been a more perfect Yoga class to end my weekend. And the sun came out and the rain stopped for my walk to the bus.

Sunday 1 September 2013

Ritual Cleansing

Even though it is a long weekend, my internal clock woke me up at 6:30 after a late night of watching two great documentaries, "I Am" and "Vegucated". The man and the dog are away until Tuesday, so I have been taking advantage of my free time. I did some lounging about while having a glass of hot water and lemon while reading today's Be the Change email and watching the inspirational videos of the day. "Lounging" is not normally part of my morning schedule. I own a Boarder Collie, so its get up and go (or lose your favourite shoes) on a normal Saturday. I still wanted to keep up with my walking routine in the morning so by 8:00 AM I did some exploring around the pond's edge, watching minnows, birds and bugs, and drank my jar of green juice, then walked about in the dried area of the tall grass.

Sunday is traditionally my day to do a big clean up at home. I try to keep up with laundry, dishes, etc., during the work week, but Sunday is always the big haul before Monday. Taking care of the home is a mirror of taking care of the health. If the Feng Shui Police showed up, they'd slap me for all the nooks and crannies that have been overlooked.
"When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot manifest, strength cannot fight, wealth becomes useless, and intelligence cannot be applied." - Herophilus
As a painter, I cannot paint in an unhealthy, cluttered state of mind. As a Yogini, I cannot practice when my Top Secret Yoga Room (NO BOYS ALLOWED) has become a dumping ground for all my course books, hoodies, socks, inside out tote bags, and receipts from Bridgehead spilling out of my wallet due to the fact that I am faking having a tidy house.

Moping is the worst. So I took some time out to "roll around on my mat" because that counts as personal practice time. Seriously, I did cool things too, like attempting an arm balance. I really suck at them. I almost turned on the light switch with my foot trying to flip over.

No sweat!
After all my hard work today, I spent the evening doing some home-spa care. I began with a white clay body mask. I used A.Vogel brand of White Clay for dry and sensitive skin which I added water to this morning, covered, and left in a sunny window throughout the day. Setting up my clay in the morning not only allows it to properly congeal, it also gave me something to look forward to at the end of my day. I have not used a clay in probably over a year. It is such a healing natural beauty product. First, shower and scrub all over with hot water and a loofa. Apply all over and wait until the clay dries and becomes tight on the skin. Then, jump in the shower, melting the clay off your body.

After drying off I treated myself to Ayurvedic self massage before making myself dinner. Lucky me, I got to take home the end of my teacher's massage oil jar. I cannot remember what essential oils are mixed together, but it smells heavenly.

Today, the first day of Be the Change was a devotion to myself and my home, a Ritual Cleansing from the inside out. A lot of water intake too. I may be up throughout the night!