Monday 30 September 2013


One hour to go until donations are closed and the 30 Day Challenge is over. I have personally received $250 in donations and collectively we are around $5000, last I heard. The land for the Women's Innovation Centre in Nepal was purchased several weeks ago. How truly amazing. I always wear my UNAKO scarf with pride.

Yoga Teacher Graduation Day, Pink Floral Scarf hand made in Nepal by Tharu women

I am so thankful that I won a free spot in Be The Change. I saw it advertised last year and might have let it pass me by again this year if I had not been given the incentive. If anybody would like to join in next year, I highly recommend doing it. I'm going to put away my $50 next summer to do it all over again. In the Facebook group for BTCC and the Yogini Dialogues group we have free access to great forums where we are bonding and sharing throughout the Challenge. I hope there will be one more final email sent out by the JOY team and the Karma Krew at 6:00 AM for me to read while I play fetch with Gus out in the field.

BTCC has given me a great opportunity to express myself through writing, something I have always enjoyed doing. I'm having a very Carrie Bradshaw evening. And it's a Monday! The Cosmos will come later and Yogini's are generally shoeless throughout the day. I've dedicated this night to being FABULOUS. I ate well, had some Sex in the City,  Ayurvedic massage (I'm still working on that jar of delicious oil I was given) and my ritual bath with a book.

I hope this Blog has entertained you and I hope to continue writing for an audience in the near future. Thank you to everyone who has supported me in raising funds, and supported me in my personal transformation over the past month and this summer with my Yoga Teacher Training. I pledge to actively pursue my own happiness and wellbeing throughout my life in order to be there for others. This is the greatest lesson I have learned thus far.


1 comment:

  1. Please continue to write and share your blogs Carolyn, you have a natural talent.
