Friday 27 September 2013

Chocolate to the Rescue!

There are only 3 days left of the Challenge. What's playing on Songza tonight? "Your Own '80s Training Montage" Playlist.

Last time I touched base was Monday night. It's been a hectic work week and I was incredibly grateful to Yogini extraordinaire, Bodine Waterfire , of Sweet Guru, for hand delivering some of the most amazing organic, raw, chocolate coconut truffles to me at work this Thursday. Check out this budding new raw dessert business on Facebook. I've been sharing her page on my own Wall. And Tina Turner just started playing "The Best", so I dedicate this song to you, Bodine. It's Friday. Do people still call radio stations and send out dedications any more?

Thursday was one of the days were the proverbial shit hit the fan at work. On total shit days, am I ever glad for having done my practice in the morning to keep me in check. Normally I would have spent the afternoon dunking about 5 cookies into a really big cup of black coffee. I shared the chocolates after lunch with all of my co-workers once things were under control and nobody was in line. My gluten/lactose free girl, and my vegan boy were ultra happy to share the treats that were lovingly created to please all. The rest of the chocolates went to the yoga girls in Yogini Yoga with Megan.

Our Thursday evening Yogini class at Upward Dog was just what I needed to unwind. Especially since I missed out last week.  My new routine is to getting two giant veggie samosas for five bucks in the ByWard Market to eat on the bus ride home. Somehow they stay warm through the class and I have the best dinner.

Before class started, Chelsey gave me a little gift bag with Raspberry Tea (for PMS, 'cause it's a women's class), a sea shell and a Goddess Card of Queen Maeve. She had one for everybody.

Today I got up, took the dog out, ate an apple and read a book on the bus. Work was busy but lunch proved to be slow. By 1 PM I was ordering my vegan friendly sushi next to the restaurant I work in.
Eating Sushi, Like a Bossss!

Avocado, Cucumber, Inari Roll
Oh! And before I go, I broke a nail last night, and never thought I would get so mad at something so stupid. With 3 days to go, I had to cut my elegant lady nails. Oh well. They looked great, but are not very practical with all the avocado I prepare and eat. They may or may not be something I continue to strive for after the challenge.

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