Monday 16 September 2013

Moving Like I Was Happy

It's Monday night and I'm settling in for some more restful activity finally.

My day was pretty full and busy during the early part of the morning, with catering orders and regular customers. By 2 PM I was ready to start licking all the baked goods just for a taste. At the end of the day I wrapped up the uneaten (and unlicked) ones and did not even put the broken bits or crumbs in my mouth. I have to say, today, the 16th day in, I am wearing my skinny jeans that I wore for a week  after coming back from South East Asia this March. Blinking your eyelids in Thailand's 40+ degree weather burns up to 1000 calories. On holiday I drank beer several times a day, every day and still managed to come home looking like She-Ra. That didn't last considering I went on a cheese bender upon arrival in Canada and my Ankor-Watt muscles turned into cellulite. But today is the day! I didn't even have to cut them off when I got home. They stayed on until 7 PM.

I got a Booster Juice for brekky, and the poor girl had to remake it when she poured in yogurt in it after I asked her not to. At lunch I had some lovely stuffed peppers Chris's mother made special for me with wild rice and quinoa. Before walking Gus, I ate a big Kale Salad for dinner. Yum, yum, yummy day!
kale, kidney beans, avocado, teacher apple slices (still eating them apples!), sunflower seeds, red onions, dressed with olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
Normally I do some journaling to check in with myself before starting up my personal Yoga practice, but I had a lot of energy to burn, so I just cranked the dance music channel, whipped off the jeans, changed into leggings and started to Sun Sal like it was nobody's business. I threw down Bakasana, vasisthasana, flipped over into "Wild Thing" and had a lot of fun with inversions.
Bakasana June 2013, Thai poofy pants

"Wild Thing"
I feel like this beach babe today! Pretty good state of mind on a Monday. Thanks Challenge!
Out In the park I had been listening to an old Yoga Peeps Podcast, interviewing Jaimal Yogis, a Surfer/Yogi/Journalist who wrote Saltwater Buddha. Earlier this morning I listened to an interview with Eoin Finn and his Blissology Movement. Both of these interviews were so joyful, and about embracing the beauty in life and really reveling in nature. I felt really inspired to practice today, even if it was a mini-session between chores. I think the Blissology talk really gave me the boost I needed this morning. A long time ago, waaaay back when I worked in door to door sales, a co-worker told me that I looked so "light" in the way that I walk and carry myself. I have a skippy step to my walk. Recently that lightness has returned to my step. I noticed it went away due to extreme fatigue, stress and recovery from foot surgery two years ago. Midway through Sacred Movement I paused and recognized the way I was moving. I was moving like I was happy again.

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