Saturday 7 September 2013

Graduating Yoga School

It is Day 6 (although my post was not ready to publish until the 7th!) of the Challenge. I'm still on track, I've just been preoccupied with family and my Sacred Movement 200 hour Hatha Yoga RYT Graduation. I did not imbibe in the red wine with Grandma, as is tradition when we get together. I asked for no cheese and no tzaziki on my vegetarian wrap at the Greek restaurant for our family meal. My gluten free mother broke the ice and ordered her wrap with no wrap before me, so I didn't get funny looks. Afterwards, my mum and I enjoyed her home-baked zucchini brownies. We had tea and talked about the graduation day ahead tomorrow. My mum is also a Yoga Teacher and a graduate of Upward Dog Yoga Centre's teacher training with Yogi Vishvketu. Coincidentally, I took my training there from a graduate of Yogi Vishvketu.

An email came in Wednesday evening, from Lynda at Upward Dog, asking for volunteers for this Sunday afternoon's Karma Class. I was shaking like a leaf, but jumped on the opportunity, the way I jumped on the opportunity to take this YTT. I did not hear back from Lynda until Thursday morning.

This Sunday was booked...

BUT, NEXT SUNDAY is mine! I am officially TEACHING YOGA TO REAL PEOPLE, STRANGERS, SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 15th 1-2 PM! I am still buzzing.

All of Thursday I was hyper at work. I even wrecked a couple of salads while I talked far to much to my customers in line. My co-workers were really excited for me and I got a lovely email from dear Kara, a former co-worker, who told me that she was enjoying this blog. A big shout out to Kara! I would not have been so determined to graduate if it wasn't for my cheerleaders. You all helped to bring me here today.

On my way to Upward Dog I bought apples in the market to share, because we are all teachers now. Our closing ceremony was beautiful. The most interesting part was that Megan had assigned us homework asking  us to write a letter to another woman we admire, but she told us that night that the letter was really intended for deepest self. I wrote: "...from Day One I knew you would be a teacher...." and ended the letter: "I believe in you, _____, and have since Day One".

Although I am feeling a deep sense of loneliness, not having scheduled training time with my Sacred Sister twice a week,  something new is beginning.

So, its official.

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