Tuesday 3 September 2013

Back to Reality

Today was my last morning alone. Wanting to take advantage of the intro price at Pure Yoga, and also wanting to take advantage of having my own independent schedule before work at 8 AM, I got up at quarter to five (crazy, no?) to catch the bus out of Barrhaven and take a 6:30 AM scheduled class.

 I almost didn't make it!

I got off the bus at Westboro station at 6:25 and tried to run, comically, in Birkenstocks, bouncing back pack and flapping Yoga mat slung over my shoulder, while scrambling for my Pure Pass on my key chain. Last Wednesday I gave up the pair of kitten heels that I wore to a meeting, and dashed bare foot to the bus stop. So I did it again! Thank goodness Westboro is clean and friendly.

I arrived right on time, and luckily, several other stragglers came in after me. Of course, I spent half the class wheezing and coughing from my "marathon" run. Settling in and catching my breath was my set intention for the class. Just when I thought my heavy breathing was going to be disruptive, somebody turned on their Ujjayi breathing to level 10 for the entire class, including Savasana. "Luke, I OM your Father".
I have noticed that dehydration, which is super common in Hot Yoga, feels almost like being hung over. I wondered what on earth was going on during my shift at work and realized that I had neglected to drink enough water once I got there. I sure missed my relaxing lemon water lounge time I had gotten used to this weekend. Rush, rush, rush today!
Around my lunch break I started getting all twitchy around the desserts because my homemade vegan cauliflower soup was "too healthy, not to mention cold and boring since we have no microwave. Putting this entry together I have realized what a grump I am starting to be without my indulgences. First its denial, then anger?
And now I need to confess: I ate salmon sushi tonight.
Chris picked me up some dinner on his way home, and he knew I wasn't eating fish, so I suspect he did it on purpose. I couldn't let it go to waste, but reminded him what I was doing and why. "Where are you getting your protein, your calcium, etc..?" all those questions people have for Vegetarians and Vegans. I never had any remorse for eating fish and seafood until we went to an elephant rescue nature sanctuary in Thailand this winter. The sanctuary was dedicated to all living things and there was such compassion and reverence for life there. I feel this Challenge may be my goodbye to fish as a Vegetarian, so I feel guilty about having broken my pact with myself, but it was different than refusing to eat cheese or a cup of coffee. Those are straight up "No's" where my meal was prepared and bought for me with love and concern. I do not feel angry about this, but I do feel that it has tested me and made me want to stick to my goal.

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