Saturday 7 September 2013

A Full Week In

Day 7. A full week in.

By now, I am really feeling my goals in a moral sense, not just a challenge sense. Having watched "Vegucated" last weekend, I am viewing Veganism as much easier. I have gone with a Vegan diet in the past for a month long cleanse, but did not think much further than dairy's effects on my body. Today I went to Walmart to pick up a pack of light bulbs and a new pair of rubber boots for my morning walks with Gus, and naturally got caught up looking at other shoes. I'm a girl. I can't help it. Checking out some fringed suede boots, I thought, "well, those are cute moccasin boots...$29.00...Genuine Leather...That's a cow's skin...Mass produced all across every Walmart in North America...I'll pass..."

Looking to the Yama's I am seeing the issue past Ahimsa, non-violence, into Asteya, non-stealing. I can't steal milk from nursing calves and I can't steal eggs from hens (yes, I know they are natural layers, but I don't want to take what is forced in confinement). Sushi is coming home with Chris again tonight, but with the understanding that I will not be eating any fish. I am in no means being preachy, this is just how I am feeling.

Last night I did one of Megan's videos for "Full Moon Cycle", followed by japa mala mantra, "Ahum Prema, Aham Shanti" (I am love, I am peace). I was feeling very sad and alone, missing Sacred Movement already, and wanted to remind myself everything I need is within.
Megan presented this mala to me, and to each of the other women in Sacred Movement. Each one of us was given a personal charm and gem to personalize the mala.

This afternoon I practiced at Mountain Goat Yoga with my favourite teacher, Justine, in her Dharma Yoga class. I have not attended my local studio since I began Sacred Movement. It was lovely to return and see familiar faces. Our practice was a moving meditation and an offering of energy. I always leave feeling so inspired, and much lighter. My mood has lifted and I no longer feel so sad about the ending of Sacred Movement. I am however, very, very tired. I do not feel like cleaning the house and have spent a good deal of my day on the couch with my good dog, Gus, lying under the coffee table while I write.

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