Sunday 29 September 2013

Power of the Domestic Kitchen Goddess

Sunday night's finally here. It's time to unwind. I've got a tired, panting, drool-dripping dog under my feet.

I had good intentions to go to Pure today for one of Tiffani's classes, but had a complete Domestic Kitchen Goddess day instead. Chris and I did our groceries early this morning, but when I looked in the cupboard for my PieBird Vegan Pie Crust ingredients, I was short on coconut oil. I have been using a ton of it lately. Its even good instead of butter on bread. So he kindly dropped me off at Bulk Barn on his way to another softball tournament. Lo and behold! Coconut oil was $13.00 instead of $16.00!!!

What is PieBird you ask? I believe it would be likened to my version of Mecca. It's a B&B Vegan Farm out near my Brother and Mother's little houses on the prairie. I have yet to go. I've been experimenting with this pie crust recipe every time a holiday is close by.  Enjoy this baking with goats video:

I don't know what I am doing wrong, but my pie crust is always too crumbly and I leave out the extra half cup of flour and use extra ice water. It tastes amazing, but does not have the same easy quality of using Tenderflake (Pork Fat) and eggs. The goat tongues slurping the flour might be what's missing. This vegan crust is rustic, and my vegan crust at home is the Art Brut version. (If you are avoiding anything, like dishes, packing your lunch or ironing, and choose to Google Art Brut, it's not a rock band).
Two pies came out of my productivity. One to sample, and one to freeze for Thanksgiving weekend. The 10 lbs. of McIntosh apples Josie and Adrian gave us last Sunday are half gone. And one quarter was eaten solely by myself over the course of the week. 
But before the pies, I started with a soup I've been putting off making for sometime. That's where all the No-Yoga-Class-Today thing started. I've literally been chopping, peeling, boiling, baking and freezer-bagging my way through the day. Leek and Asparagus Soup from Metro's daily recipe. I just polished off a bowl while typing.


Super easy, and quick!

My next project was to peel, de-seed and cube the three Butternut Squash that have been standing guard over my kitchen for at least two weeks. Chris likes squash, so its exciting when he likes a "gross vegetable", but only if it's in a pureed soup...There's four bags in the freezer now for the Apocalypse.

I tidied up for my Instagram food-porn photoshoot, but this was a huge mess and the biggest job of the whole day. Gus was eating squash peelings as I hacked away with both peeler and giant knife. I took a break before cubing the squash to call my Grandma and eat a slice of pie.
There is a very happy fellow eating his dinner over a hockey pool draft right now. When I told him there was a slice of pie waiting for him on the stove top, to quote him: "That's the nicest thing anybody has ever done for me!" I am a modern woman, and a Scorpio, but I know spoiling a man from time to time is the way to a happy home. He's acting like he's never been fed in his entire life, even though I do it almost every day. That's the power of the Domestic Kitchen Goddess.

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