Friday 13 September 2013

It's Called a Challenge Because it's CHALLENGING!

It's been a little while since I last checked in with Blog The Change...We all go through our high highs and our low lows...Its been a week with some lows. I had a can of Coke yesterday, and right now I'm munching on a big bag of Miss Vicky's Salt and Vinegar chips. These are loopholes I have found. I didn't say anything about no pop and no chips. I don't drink pop. It's like smoking. I know better. There's no value in it. And chips, well, I do eat chips and love them. So there!

I've been upset and tense due to being CHALLENGED on my Challenge. Ooooh! I'm a little mood-swingy, too. I'm back to Thursday routine with Megan in a Women's Yoga class for the next 6 weeks. We're all synced up and our focus is PMS relief and what to snack on. The consensus is dark chocolate, and Megan got me jonesing for Salt and Vinegar. This class is wonderful and its going to be the thing that keeps me sane and outside of the house as we transition into fall and this new phase of my life.

 My dear Miss Stefanie shared this hilarious photo with Sacred Movement.
Things have been CHALLENGING at home when it comes to cooking and eating together. I have been firm and stuck to my diet except I did eat cheddar perogies once and hated myself for giving up. I ate a granola bar and the fine print said MILK after it was gone. My sinuses are unhappy about being full of dairy. I spent my whole day at work looking at the freshly made baked goods. Every time I brewed coffee I stuck my head inside the giant Equator bags to smell the coffee. Smelling isn't cheating.

My daily practice is not what I had hoped it would be, but I have been on my mat at least 4 out of 7 days. Even if it is just rolling around. Sometimes its spontaneous, other times its a video. I read my daily newsletter from Be the Change's Karma Krew every day at 6 AM in the schoolyard with Gus. Where I am seeing the most diligence is in my beauty routine. I only went without make-up once, after the perogie night. Beauty is not a challenge. It used to be something I would skip in order to do something more important. Yes, the dishwasher and the recycling are important, but looking great, instead of good, has made me feel so much more ready for the day. My nails are looking lady-like and will be painted pink for my first official teaching gig this Sunday afternoon.

Upward Dog Yoga on Dalhousie
1-2 PM
Karma Class
Focus: Back Bends, Heart Opening. Self-Compassion

If any of my readers attend on Sunday, I would love to hear some feedback and gather testimonials for my Yoga Resume. I hope to see you there :)

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