Sunday 15 September 2013

Dharma, Drinking, and Divine Intervention

I intended to post on Saturday, but being Chris's birthday, I had a very late night. If you can consider 12 AM a very late night. Remember, I am an early riser. Here is a glimpse into my Saturday before I go off about my Sunday:

"Today is Saturday. A little bit of a sleep in, a nice sunny walk with a Mr. Gus and a green smoothie for breakfast before Justine's Dharma Yoga class at 11 AM."

1/2 avocado, a bunch of kale, chia seeds, honey, oatmeal, a splash of orange mango juice and an almond milk base.

"Today's practice was great. Justine switched up her sequence a little and kept me on my toes. Today was the first time I had difficulty getting up into headstand in a long time. Perhaps I am nervous about tomorrow, or just have not been hanging out upside down in a while. It could also be the chips and pop this week."

Ok, so having read my draft like a journal entry in a novel, we can move on to the rest of Saturday and then Sunday.

For dinner we went out with friends to The Foolish Chicken off Wellington in Westboro Village. There was indeed food on the menu for little old me, and I ate well. Pico De Gallo with Avocado on Crostini, with a balsamic reduction. Yummers! I gave Chris two and he really enjoyed them. The place was packed and the staff were trying to keep it together, giving us plenty of warning that things were crazy and a troop of 28 arrived before us. Our order would have to go in after theirs, but a platter of free nachos would keep our hunger at bay. I of course had salad, which was good, spinach, candied walnuts, red cabbage and carrot, but the poor frantic kitchen dumped a truck-load of dressing, enough for 3 salads, onto my plate, and I was really missing the taste of beer to wash it down. The candied walnuts were my favourite part. There is a dairy free coconut rice pudding on the menu I'd like to go back and try another time. My water was refilled about 5 times, so ten points for attentive service, and another 10 points for making me healthy by consuming more water. Everybody enjoyed their meals and I was happy to treat Chris to a hearty meal.

Did I ever miss having a drink afterwards at Absolute Comedy. Gingerale just doesn't cut it when everyone around you is ordering cocktail's, wine, beer and the MC is razzing a 19 year old about taking a shot of tequila with him because he looks like a minor. I can say that I have been very strong not giving in to alcohol, unlike dairy products along the Challenge. I am not pressured to drink within my circle, but milk is so infused in our Western diets, that I feel pressured to have it even though it is right up there with meat in my books. When it comes to drinking, I'd normally pop into the LCBO after work to justify having a tough day. I am proud of myself for not breaking my promise to give up on guilty pleasures. We're 15 days in and I gave up alcohol a week prior, so I'm feeling good about my accomplishments.

I taught my first Yoga class today. I am just beaming and feeling so beyond blessed with the people who came to practice. Christina and Aaron, my staff members came, my Sacred Sister, Lynn was there, my dear childhood friend, Natalie J, and five others. And through Divine Intervention, I ran into Reza, my meditation teacher from at least 5 years ago on my way to teach. He and his friend were crossing the street just ahead of me, and we chatted all the way to Upward Dog about how wonderful and perfect it was to meet on such an important day. Especially since my class was based on heart-opening meditation. I came to Reza's first class offered at the Main Street Community Centre while trying to climb my way out of depression in my 4th year of university. We said goodbye at the door, and I went in to set up in the big room. As soon as I'd rolled out my mat, Reza was in the doorway joining my class. It was something that could not be missed. Spiritual Debbie, said she was sending me prayers, and Lynn gave me a beautiful Angel card and a rose quartz carved into the shape of a heart. So many good thoughts made their way to me and the Universe sent me everything I wanted and needed.

 I truly was surrounded by Angels and LOVE today. Thank you to everyone who made this day special. Now I'm at Home Sweet Home, drinking green shakes and sipping Buddha's Blend White Hibiscus tea to my heart's content.

1/4 Avocado, 1/2 Banana, Big Grab of Kale, Chia Seeds, Almond Milk. Chewy goodness.
Not a weird duck-face selfie, its a slurp/chew face selfie.
I wish you all a pleasant evening and hope that you take your blessings into your week ahead. Namaste.

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