Saturday 28 September 2013

Erich Schiffmann, Essential Oils and the Prancercise Lady on a Saturday

It's Saturday afternoon and I am just lazing about, taking some much needed "me time". I've been sitting on the couch with the footrest up, talking to my mum on the phone and reading Yoga Journal and Yoga International that I picked up on the way home from my morning adventures.

Cozy wooly sweater, guacamole recipe, articles on Erich Schiffmann, Happiness and Art :)

I adore Erich Schiffmann. Great article on his thoughts on personal practice.

I slept past 7, which I aimed to do. I had a great bowl of oatmeal with apple slices, cocoa powder, cinnamon and honey, then took Gus out to the field. The usual.

The Challenge has been doing fabulous things for me. For starters, the salt and vinegar chips I was snacking on last night, tasted only of oil. I woke up this morning feeling icky from them. There definitely is milk in them because I was feeling congested. So long Miss Vicky's! Even though I was feeling gross, today I put on that black pencil skirt with a slit up the thigh that I have never worn and kept at the back of the closet for 3 years -- and it FIT and I looked HOT! I wore it with my little ankle boots to take on the world between Bells Corners and Barrhaven. So now I am officially into my skinny jeans and the skirt. I spend all day eating and snacking and taking care of me at my own pace, not doing any kind of radical thing other than caring about what I eat and what I do.

One of my favourite things I've been doing is my aromatherapy baths at the end of each week (or a few times a week). My preferred scent is  3 drops of ylang ylang and 2 drops of sandalwood essential oil.  I just read about a coconut oil hair mask infused with 2 drops of sandalwood to prevent split ends. I even find myself doing asana in the bath or even the shower mid hair rinse. I just can't get enough. I loved this quote about practicing your own way in the Schiffmann article:
Bubble Bath Yoga can totally be a thing. It's definitely sexier than Prancercising!
Yeah, yeah, this is old and we're over it. I still think this lady is adorable.
Well, I bid you all adieu for the last Saturday posting. I'm off to fold 3 big baskets of laundry and maybe make enough soup for the coming winter out of all the squash I still have.
And once the Challenge is over, I have a coupon for a $2.00 Pumpkin Spice Latte (WITH SOY!)

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