Sunday 22 September 2013

Thrown Off Balance

Today is the Autumnal Equinox. The Seasons are coming into balance, preparing the Earth for Winter. As we come to an end of the 30 Day Challenge, I am feeling the shift towards balance.

However, I was thrown off balance yesterday. I thought that I had checked in with everyone, and found out who was safe from Wednesday's tragic bus accident. Knowing who was alive took a huge weight off of everyone once the press released the identities of the victims. I did not expect to find out on Saturday as I was leaving home, that somebody I know from my community is in intensive care and will be needing so much aid in the coming months. And as for the Barrhaven people that I have not yet seen come in to the restaurant, you are in my prayers that everything is all right.

Immediately after learning this sad news, I spent the next 75 minutes in the comfort of my Yoga community for Justine's Dharma Yoga class at Mountain Goat, Nepean. In Dharma Yoga we practice for a "higher purpose". Our group dedicated the practice to the victims and those experiencing loss or grief. I was absolutely shaken. I was thankful for sharing the group's energy to ground me. For the rest of the day I was out on errands and could not stabilize myself. All I wanted to do was go home and process and grieve. It's been years since I have dealt with depression, but when that heavy chest pain, and drowning anxiety that I used to have daily, starts to pull me down, I get really scared of it. The only way I can explain it is drowning. It finally subsided when the victims were named, and then all came crashing down again. I don't want to see any of the debris at the train tracks tomorrow morning. Hopefully it's gone.

I had all kinds of cute Instagram pictures of my healthy foods, but I don't really care about posting them. I've kept on track and my kitchen is full of butternut squash and a giant bag of apples a friend brought.

This Challenge is raising money to help ex-bonded slaves in Nepal. Our world has become a global village through communicative technology. It's absolutely amazing what we are doing through Journey of the Yogini. But don't forget about your community and your neighbours. A stranger is a friend you have not met yet. Say "hi" and lend a hand where you can. Experience human connection and touch people's lives. That's why we are here.

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